Friday, August 7, 2020

Epoxy Resin image for resume.

optical project of translucent image. epoxy resin from mold. Nothing totally grand and new but a skill set to serve a boss or client through  commissioned art.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Cnc bais relief

Some progress. Fusion 360 gcode has produced rough cut. Next is finishing cut.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

popularity drift and economic drift

I have seen often in comicon and in economics the delusion that something is better not from a structural stand point but one of statistics.. everyone buys or everyone says so.. 

I am coining two phrases right now for myself.. and i look to find more.. academic words later.

Popularity drift.. the point that statics based off views or purchase determine something is popular can be false as they do not take into account the money available, the lack or abundance of competition at the time, and the population size.

So logically look at this..

330,000,000 people exist in America as of5/16/2020

in1950 how many people existed??  google shows 152,300,000

So today there are more people that can buy more stuff. if someone bought something in 1950 the individual would account for higher percentage of the population. So lets say our population has double because that is a given based off googled information..( if this is false then i would tend to think the term i am coining is useless.. possible but useless..)  so 15000 people bought a given product in 1950 and in the year 2020, 22000 people bought the product. the population has doubled but the amount of people buy the product has not. I find that people try to say everyones doing it.. be part of the herd. often people don't just ask did you find the experience of entertainment enjoyable / Did you find the experience of the restaurant enjoyable? Do you find this product line to have good quality? Did you find the service at this place good?  The reason i say this is that for the most part every service every product is a new experence and we just say things? never change or don't when we know they can. We get product recalls all the time.

Economic drift.  the point that statistics don't hold in the economic if certain assumption are found to be not real. A lot of sound economic theories exist based off of given assumptions and that we have seen in the market that these given assumption are violated. The economy then coasts off the faith and assumption of statistics from past economic decisions and market reactions.  But the markets reacted base off results that came from those given assumptions and the statistic models don't bring this to light.. thus no one can discern on the initial data between distinct different groups.

Example housing market crash. micro transactions and the flash crash of 2010.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

5/14/2020 cnc mill boot up.

Issue suspending..  and shutting down spindle pause should shut down movement then one second later suspend spindle motion.. It does not. when unpausing 3 second spindle start up then resume movements. Does not.. functionality needs to be introduced. probably scripting.. Issue late for job. speeds and feed not great.. 3d printed vacuum attachment needs  installed manually vacuuming.. lots of sound in apartment residential.. not good. model is spin off of thingiverse model. Not done for money just to case.  First things first. if i am ok with small task then i should be able to succeed with larger tasks. currently pause don't know if i can resume.